ELCINA Electronics Manufacturing Clusters
  • Gaurav Tiwari +91 9910187001
  • emc@elcina.com, info@elcinaclusters.in

Registration for Membership in Electronic Industries Association of India Cluster Group

Electronic Industries Association of India Invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from the companies interested to become member in Electronic Industries Association of India promoted Electronics Manufacturing clusters. This will enable you to apply for M-SIPS as well as to manage the common infrastructure of your own industrial park through your SPV.

Criteria for Membership in Electronic Industries Association of India Cluster Group

  1. The company should have an existing/proposed Electronics Manufacturing Business.
  2. Companies with foreign collaboration/foreign origin who want to set up subsidiary in India
  3. The company should be an Electronic Industries Association of India Member. If not, they have to apply for ELCINA membership along with Cluster Group Membership simultaneously.
  4. The company should comply with all legal and statutory requirements for existence in India

Registration Process

  1. Companies fulfilling the above criteria may fill up the below required information as their Expression of Interest to Join the Cluster Group.
  2. The EOI will be reviewed by ELCINA and approved, if it meets the required criteria.
  3. The approved companies will then join the Cluster group by paying the applicable fees. A formal confirmation of Membership in the cluster group will be communicated to the company.